Portfolio & Booking
TSDitto Photography Studio & Gallery
Florissant Meadows Shopping Plaza
492 N. Highway 67,
Florissant, MO 63031
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“A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense and is thereby a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety.” ― Ansel Adams
Tina S. Ditto
Born in St. Louis, MO - October 24, 1971
I am a mother, daughter, wife, and a "true friend" to all that I meet.
"My passion has always been, to forever capture life's moments thru my lens, always hoping to relive those moments, once again..."
I have had the pleasure of taking many thousands of photographs, over the years. If we are acquainted, in any way, you would be able to confirm that I have a camera with me, at all times.
My passion for photography began during an awesome 5th grade field trip (in the Spring of 1982), to a small photography shop, in downtown St. Louis. On that day, my classmates and I were assigned to walk around the city streets, and take random pictures of things that we found to be interesting. I still have the pictures from that day, and I have been in love with capturing the images of people, nature, architecture, bridges, monuments, and events, ever since. It is a fact that no matter the occasion, if I am present, the memories have been captured by me, for the world to see, and remember. I like for my photographs to tell the complete story of whatever has taken place.
Photography is my simple way of expression, and sharing beauty with the rest of the world. Thank you, for trusting me to share my photo stories with you, and for you.
Formal Education: Fontbonne University, St. Louis, MO: Master of Science in Learning Technologies – Computer Education and Instructional Technologies, and Bachelor of Arts in Business and Organizational Studies – Human Resources Management
Life Education: Loving, studying, and capturing memories of my interactions with people, places, and things thru the lens of my camera.
Tina Seville Ditto